Payment Methods
1. What are the forms of payment methods?
There are 4 payment methods for now:
1. Cash / Cheque on Delivery and/or Collection
2. PayNow Corporate to AR Visual Pte Ltd - UEN: 200502660M
3. PayPal
4. Bank Transfer Payment
Bank Account Details:
Account Name : AR Visual Pte Ltd
Bank Name : United Overseas Bank Limited Singapore (UOB)
Branch Name : Coleman Branch
Branch Address : 1 Coleman Street, #01-14, The Adelphi, Singapore 179803
Bank Code : 7375
Branch Code : 046
Account No (SGD) : 506-300-135-0
Swift Code : UOVBSGSG
2. How will I know that my payment went through successfully?
All successful transactions are followed up by a confirmation email that contains an order number after 1-2 working days. If you did not receive any confirmation via email from us, please call our Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880 (Mondays to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or email us at info (at)