My Cart


Check Comparison
  1. How do I place an order?
  2. How to create account?
  3. How to search for a product?
  4. Can I place corporate and/or bulk orders?
  5. How to remove item from shopping cart?
  6. How to opt-out from receiving any marketing/promotional communications?
  7. What do I do if I receive a faulty item from my order?
  8. Missing item from my order, what do I do
  9. Any other questions?

1. How do I place an order?

You can place your order through our online shop website.

Online Shopping

Choose the product, check that the product you want to order is the correct one. Add to Cart and it will bring you to your Shopping Cart. From here, you can continue shopping or you can proceed to Checkout.  It is recommended to register an account with us to place an order so you can track and monitor the status of your order. Else, you can checkout as Guest and proceed. Select your billing address, shipping address, shipping method, payment information and do a final review on your orders. Then proceed to Place Order. You will receive an order number and an order confirmation email will be sent to you.

If you are a registered user, login to your Account Dashboard to monitor the order and shipping status. Should you have any issue placing an online order, you can call out to our friendly Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880. We would be most happy to assist by placing an order via phone for you. 

Phone Orders 

We can take your orders via phone calls too. 

Call us at +65 6222 5880 during our working hours.Mondays to Fridays (Closed on Weekends and Singapore Public Holidays)

Time: From 9am to 5pm 

Please note that for phone orders, the only available payment method is Cash on Delivery (COD). If you need further assistance with regards to other payment methods, our Customer Service Team is also able to help you. 

Happy shopping!

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2. How to create account? 

Click on “Sign Up” and fill in the particulars to create an account, and click “Submit”. Upon successful account registration, you can then proceed to My Account fill in the rest of the details.You can also indicate if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to our Newsletter mailing list from the Account Dashboard.

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3. How to search for a product?

There is a search bar at the top of the webpage, type the product keyword at this search bar and click the search icon. 

Should you have any issue searching for your required product, you can call out to our friendly Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880 or email us at info (at) We would be most happy to assist!

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4. Can I place corporate and/or bulk orders? 

For corporate orders, you can create an account and buy the products online.

For bulk orders, please call out to our friendly Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880 or email us at info (at) We would be most happy to assist!

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5. How to remove item from shopping cart? 

If you have not proceeded to checkout to finalize your purchases, you can remove the item from your shopping cart (at the top of the Page) and hit the (x) button to delete/remove the item. 

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6. How to opt-out from receiving any marketing/promotional communications? 

For registered account users, you can login to My Account and go to Newsletter Subscriptions. Uncheck the General Subscription and click “Save” to opt-out from receiving any marketing/promotional communications. 

Else, please write to us at info (at) inform us on your opt-out preferences. 

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7. What do I do if I receive a faulty item from my order? 

We apologize for any inconveniences caused in this. Please call out to our Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880 immediately and we will investigate.

Please have the order number and/or invoice number ready when you call so our Customer Service team will be able to assist accordingly. 

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8. Missing item from my order, what do I do? 

We apologize for any inconveniences caused in this.Please call out to our Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880 immediately and we will investigate.

Please have the order number and/or invoice number ready when you call so our Customer Service team will be able to assist accordingly. 

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9. Any other questions

Should you have any other questions on your ordering, you can call out to our friendly Customer Service team at +65 6222 5880 or email us at info (at) We would be most happy to assist!

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